Things You Should Never Say In A Salary Negotiation

In the Kenyan job market, where salary negotiations can significantly impact your career trajectory, it’s crucial to approach these discussions with tact and professionalism. Here are statements to avoid during salary negotiations, with suggested alternatives: ❌ “My current salary is Ksh 50,000.” Disclosing your current salary can limit your negotiation scope and potentially anchor you […]

Apr 2, 2024 - 01:00
Things You Should Never Say In A Salary Negotiation

In the Kenyan job market, where salary negotiations can significantly impact your career trajectory, it’s crucial to approach these discussions with tact and professionalism. Here are statements to avoid during salary negotiations, with suggested alternatives:

❌ “My current salary is Ksh 50,000.”

Disclosing your current salary can limit your negotiation scope and potentially anchor you to a lower salary bracket.

✅ “I’d prefer not to disclose my current salary. Could we discuss the salary range you have in mind for this role based on the responsibilities and its alignment with the market rates in Kenya?”

❌ “I’m looking for Ksh 100,000 if that would be ok?”

Seeking approval for your salary expectation comes across as uncertain, reducing your negotiating power.

✅ “After extensive market research and considering my level of expertise, I’m seeking a salary within the range of Ksh 70,000 to Ksh 100,000.”

❌ “I need more to cover my expenses.”

Mentioning personal finances suggests your salary request is not based on professional merit.

✅ “Considering my years of experience and the specific skills I bring to this position, I was hoping we could discuss reaching a figure closer to Ksh 100,000.”

❌ “Is that the best you can do?”

This can come off as confrontational and may close down further discussion.

✅ “I appreciate your offer. Given my expertise and the industry standard in Kenya, I was anticipating a figure more in the range of Ksh 70,000 to Ksh 100,000. Can we explore options to meet this expectation?”

❌ “But I have another offer that is much higher.”

Using another offer as leverage can seem like you’re not genuinely interested in the position.

✅ “I am very interested in this role and believe it aligns well with my career goals. I have received other offers, but this position is my priority. Is there flexibility to adjust the offer to more closely match the market value for similar roles in Nairobi?”

❌ “I think I deserve more.”

This lacks specificity and may come across as entitled rather than professionally justified.

✅ “Given the responsibilities of the role and my proven track record of [specific achievement] in a similar capacity, I’m seeking a salary that reflects this level of contribution and expertise, ideally around Ksh 100,000.”

❌ “This seems low compared to what I’ve seen online.”

General statements about online research can undermine your credibility without solid backing.

✅ “Based on the data I’ve gathered from reputable Kenyan salary surveys and industry standards, the typical range for someone with my qualifications and experience is Ksh 70,000 to Ksh 100,000. Could we discuss aligning the offer more closely with these figures?”

Each of these alternatives is designed to keep the conversation open and constructive, aiming for a mutually beneficial outcome while demonstrating your value and understanding of the Kenyan job market.

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