Alex Mwakideu Biography: Age, family & his contributions to setting up Radio Maisha

This article outlines Mwakideu's life from his birth until his current endeavours

Aug 16, 2023 - 10:30
Alex Mwakideu Biography: Age, family & his contributions to setting up Radio Maisha

This article outlines Mwakideu's life from his birth until his current endeavours

Alex Mwakideu, a prominent radio personality in Kenya, serves as both the head of Milele FM and a presenter for the station.

Background & education

Born in Mombasa on March 6, 1980, Alex Mwakideu's roots trace back to Taita Taveta, as his late parents hailed from there.

His mother, Ruth Mwakideu, and father, Simon Mwakideu, are both deceased.

Among his siblings, he shares a connection with Justus Mwakideu, Chrispine Mwakideu, and the late Caroline, Rozina, and Emmy Mwakideu.

Rozinah and Alex Mwakideu
Rozinah and Alex Mwakideu

Upon reaching school-going age, Mwakideu commenced his education at Fahari Primary School. Following a relocation, he subsequently transferred to Mikindani Primary.

Upon the culmination of his primary education, Mwakideu proceeded to Shimo La Tewa for his high school studies.

In several interviews, Mwakideu recounted his upbringing in a modest environment, highlighting that his late parents struggled to cover his school expenses.

He revealed that to avoid being sent home due to unpaid fees, he took up membership in the drama club during high school.

Mwakideu's radio career

Following his completion of high school, Alex Mwakideu's path diverged from pursuing higher education due to financial constraints.

Kenyan radio presenter Alex Mwakideu
Kenyan radio presenter Alex Mwakideu

READ: Alex Mwakideu opens up on salary, investments and private life

Nonetheless, his journey led him to Baraka FM in Mombasa, where his potential was recognised after appearing in several station commercials that highlighted his broadcasting talent.

Despite his entry into Baraka FM, Mwakideu's breakthrough awaited its moment.

One day, a fortuitous circumstance arose when their news reporter was stuck in traffic, prompting the station to entrust him with delivering the news.

He seized the opportunity with aplomb and, from that day onward, took on the role of a news anchor.

Alex Mwakideu
Alex Mwakideu

Reflecting on his journey, Mwakideu recounted leaving his mother's home upon receiving his inaugural paycheck of Sh5,000.

From that juncture, he never looked back, charting a path forward with unwavering determination.

Mwakideu's radio career elevates after reading news on Baraka FM

As recounted by Mwakideu, his strides at Baraka FM earned him the favour of the management, leading to their decision to facilitate his pursuit of media studies.

This endeavour first materialised through an internship in Germany, followed by his venture to Melbourne for advanced studies in reporting.

Subsequently, his journey took him to China, where he acknowledged amassing a wealth of experience.

Having traversed these diverse locations, Mwakideu eventually returned to Kenya, enriched by the knowledge and insights garnered throughout his educational and professional journey.

Mwakideu plays a major role in establishing Radio Maisha

Upon returning to Kenya, he received news of Standard Group's intentions to establish Radio Maisha, an opportunity he embraced to further his media voyage.

Mwakideu noted that he played a pivotal role in the station's inception and growth, aiding in the implementation of various initiatives as the radio expanded.

Nick Odhiambo and Alex Mwakideu
Nick Odhiambo and Alex Mwakideu

However, in 2018, Mwakideu chose to part ways with Radio Maisha, citing the allure of more promising opportunities elsewhere as the catalyst for his decision.

Mwakideu joins Milele FM

After departing Radio Maisha, Alex Mwakideu joined Milele FM, marking a reunion with Jalang'o, his former colleague from Maisha.

Nevertheless, on August 14, 2023, Mwakideu stirred headlines by revealing his departure from Milele after a five-year tenure.

However, he swiftly reversed his decision within hours, expressing that any issues had been resolved and he was resuming his position at the station.

Alex Mwakideu's family

On December 27, 2014, the Head of Radio at Milele FM, Alex Mwakideu, entered into marriage with Mariam Mwemba, a journey that began after their courtship commenced in 2002.

Alex Mwakideu & wife
Alex Mwakideu & wife

READ: Alex Mwakideu's sweet message on 7th anniversary with wife Mariam

Their union has been graced with the arrival of three children, marking the expansion of their family.

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