Wingstop owners to pay more than $667,000 to settle wage theft accusations

The owner of two Wingstop locations will pay a little over $667,000 in the biggest settlement since L.A. County’s minimum wage law went into effect.

Jul 20, 2023 - 19:00
Wingstop owners to pay more than $667,000 to settle wage theft accusations
Walnut Park, CA - July 20: A Wingstop in unincorporated LA County that settled one of the largest settlements of allegations of wage violations since the County's Minimum Wage Ordinance went into effect in 2016 on Thursday, July 20, 2023 in Walnut Park, CA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)
(Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times)

Wingstop owners to pay more than $667,000 to settle wage theft accusations

Homepage News

Cecilia Baza, 25, said she knew the whole time she worked as a cashier at a Wingstop restaurant

in East Long Angeles that she was not earning minimum wage.

She learned from her mother, who also worked a minimum wage job, that large employers in unincorporated L.A. LA

County were required to pay workers at least $15 per hour by July 2020 up from $14.25 the year before.

As of June 2020, she said she was still

making $13.

She said she pointed out that she was making less thanbelow

the legal hourly minimum to her employers the companys higher-ups

, but they didnt budge. So she asked the county, which sets the minimum wage for the area.

Bazas inquiry along with the pay stubs she provided set off alarm bells inside the countys Department of Consumer and Business Affairs. After a two-year-long

investigation into the wage practices of the chicken purveyor

, the department announced this week that two Wingstop locations in unincorporated L.A.LA

County will pay more than $667,000over a half-million-dollars

in fines and back wages.

Far West Restaurant Group, which franchises the two Wingstops, agreed to the settlementwill pay a little over $667,000 for alleged wage violations

the largest settlement

since the countys minimum wage law went into effect in 2016, setting the wage floor for all businesses operating in unincorporated L.A. County.

After two years

auditing payroll records and,

time cards and interviewing employees, the county found the two Wingstop locations repeatedly flouted the minimum wages

rules from between

2017 toand

2021, shortchanging their employees by as much as $2.25 per hour, paying their employees as little as $2.25 less per hour than the minimum wage , and issued a wage order against Far West.

The minimum wage is now $16.90 per hour in unincorporated L.A.LA


If youre working full time and being ripped off $2.25 per hour, thats almost $400 a month, said Rafael Carbajal, d

irector of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs. Four hundred dollars$400

is a lot of money for folks living on minimum wage.

A vice president for Far West Restaurant Group said the company

declined to comment, and an email to the companys founder was not answered returned

. Wingstop did not respond to a request for comment.

Because the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs only

has jurisdiction over wage issues only

in unincorporated parts of the county LA County

, Carbajal said it they

could only

investigate only

the two Wingstops in these areas one in East Los Angeles where Baza worked and thean

other in Walnut Park. Both are in lower -

income areas of the county

with a high proportion of minimum wage workers.

The county did not look into the wage practices of Wingstops operated by Far West Restaurant Group in the county's Los Angeles

incorporated cities. According to the Wingstop website, the company is one of Wingstop's biggest franchisees with locations across Southern California.

The settlement $667,414.05 in total is the latest in a string of recent legal actions in which Far West Restaurant Group was accused of cheating workers skimping on workers wages

. In the last four years, four employees at L.A. County locations have sued the company, alleging wage theft. higher-ups failed to pay them what they were owed.

A class-action lawsuit filed inthis

May alleged employees were not paid for forced to work

hours workedthey were never paid for

and often worked through mandated meal periods.

As part of the settlement with the county

, which came in response to a wage order issued by the county, Far West Restaurant Group

will now

pay about $192,000 in back wages and another

$475,000 in fines. The fines will go to both the county and the 309 employees who worked at the two locations from 2017 to 2021. One underpaid

employee will get $17,000 in fines and back pay.Both County

Supervisor s

Holly Mitchell and Hilda Solis, in

whose districts include

the two Wingstops are located locations

, both

issued statements praising the worker who had brought the wage violations to the countys attention.

Every worker deserves a fair and safe work environment where exploitation and abuse have no place, Solis said.

We will not tolerate corporate excess profiting off the backs of our working families, Mitchell said.

Baza said that after three months at Wingstop, Baza said

she left the job in June 2020 because she wasnt making enough to live on. That same month, she contacted the county to see if it could help the colleagues shed left behind.

I always felt like people could take advantage of you unless you speak up, she said. I'm glad that they're getting what they deserve, what they've been robbed [of].

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